The Concept of Knowledge Graph, Present Uses and Potential Future Applications

The Concept of Knowledge Graph, Present Uses and Potential Future Applications

A knowledge graph is a database that uses a graph structure to represent and store knowledge. It is a way to express and organize data that is easy for computers to understand and reason about and which can be used to perform tasks such as answering questions or making recommendations.

The graph structure consists of nodes, which represent entities or concepts, and edges, which represent relationships between the nodes. For example, a node representing the concept "Apple" might have advantages over nodes representing the concepts "Fruit," "Cupertino, California," and "Tim Cook," which represent relationships such as "is a type of," "is located in," and "has a CEO of," respectively.

In a knowledge graph, the relationships between nodes are often explicitly defined and stored, which allows computers to reason about the data and make inferences based on it. This is in contrast to traditional databases, which store data in tables and do not have direct relationships between the data points.


Ontologies can serve as a schema layer for knowledge graphs if used appropriately. They do this so that logical inference can be used to retrieve implicit knowledge rather than just allowing queries that ask for explicit understanding.

An ontology consists of a "set of concepts" represented as nodes in the graph and relationships represented as edges between the nodes. The concepts and relationships are defined using a formal language, such as the Web Ontology Language (OWL).

The purpose of ontology is to provide a common vocabulary for representing and organizing data within a domain and to define the meaning of the concepts and relationships within that domain. This allows different systems and applications to share and understand data consistently and unambiguously.


Knowledge graph embedding

Knowledge graph embedding is a method for representing the entities and relationships in a knowledge graph in a low-dimensional vector space. This can be useful for various tasks, such as information retrieval, recommendation systems, and machine learning.

The entities and relationships in the knowledge graph are first represented as a set of nodes and edges in a graph to create a knowledge graph embedding. Each node is then represented as a vector or a list of numerical values, and the relationships between nodes are represented using the vectors of the nodes they connect.

There are several different methods for learning the vector representations of the nodes in a knowledge graph, including:

  • Translational methods: These methods learn the vector representation of a node by considering the relationships between the node and other nodes in the graph.
  • Factorization methods: These methods learn a node's vector representation by decomposing the graph's adjacency matrix into a product of lower-dimensional matrices.
  • Deep learning methods: These methods use neural networks to learn the vector representation of a node from the graph structure and any available node attributes.

Once the vectors for the nodes in the knowledge graph have been learned, they can be used for various tasks, such as information retrieval, recommendation systems, and machine learning. For example, the vectors could measure the similarity between nodes or predict missing relationships in the graph.

Use cases of Knowledge Graph

Knowledge graphs are used in various applications. They can help organize and access large amounts of information and enable computers to perform tasks that require understanding and reasoning about complex concepts.

  • Search engines: Knowledge graphs help search engines understand the relationships between different concepts, which can improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.
  • Recommendation systems: Knowledge graphs can be used to make recommendations based on the relationships between different concepts. For example, a recommendation system for a music streaming service might use a knowledge graph to recommend songs similar to those a user has previously listened to.
  • Artificial intelligence: Knowledge graphs can represent and organize the knowledge used by artificial intelligence (AI) systems. This can help AI systems perform tasks requiring understanding and reasoning about complex concepts.
  • Data integration: Knowledge graphs can be used to integrate data from multiple sources, which can be useful for data analysis or machine learning tasks.
  • Healthcare: Knowledge graphs can represent and organize medical knowledge, which can be helpful for diagnosis and treatment planning tasks.
  • Supply chain management: Knowledge graphs can represent and organize supply chain information, which can be useful for managing inventory and predicting demand.
  • Financial services: Knowledge graphs can represent and organize financial information, which can be useful for risk management and fraud detection tasks.

The Future of Knowledge Graph

  • Increased integration with artificial intelligence: Knowledge graphs are already used in various artificial intelligence (AI) applications, and this trend is likely to continue as AI systems become more advanced.
  • Improved performance and scalability: As knowledge graphs become more widely used, they will need to improve their performance and scalability to efficiently handle large amounts of data and complex queries.
  • Increased interoperability: As knowledge graphs become more widely used, they will need to improve their interoperability with other systems and databases to facilitate data exchange between organizations and domains.
  • Increased automation: There may be an increase in automated techniques for building and maintaining knowledge graphs, reducing reliance on manual curation, and improving data collection and organization speed and accuracy.
  • Increased adoption in new domains: As knowledge graphs become more widely understood and their capabilities improve, they will likely be adopted in a wider range of domains, including healthcare, finance, and education.
About the Author:

Rahul Guhathakurta (ORCID: 0000-0002-6400-6423) is a strategic management consultant. A primary investor in IndraStra Global — a US-based publishing company.

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