SCOR Model: Key Processes, Advantages and Disadvantages

SCOR Model: Key Processes, Advantages and Disadvantages

Supply-chain operations reference (SCOR) model is a framework that was developed by the Supply Chain Council (SCC) in the 1990s to help organizations understand, evaluate, and improve their supply chain operations. The SCOR model is widely used in industry and has become the de facto standard for the supply chain management.

The Five Key Processes

The SCOR model consists of five key processes:  

Plan: This process involves defining and communicating the supply chain strategy and objectives and developing plans to achieve them. It includes activities such as demand forecasting, inventory planning, and sourcing strategy development.

Source: This process involves identifying and selecting suppliers, negotiating contracts, and placing orders. It includes activities such as supplier selection, purchasing, and supplier relationship management.

Make: This process involves transforming raw materials into finished goods and includes activities such as production planning, scheduling, and quality control.

Deliver: This process involves transporting finished goods to customers and includes activities such as transportation planning, routing, and delivery scheduling.

Return: This process involves managing the return of defective or excess products and includes activities such as returns processing and reverse logistics.

These processes are organized into four levels of increasing detail: level 1 (strategic), level 2 (tactical), level 3 (operational), and level 4 (detailed). Each process is further divided into activities, which are the specific tasks or actions needed to complete the process.

Advantages of the SCOR Model

There are several advantages to using the SCOR model:

Common language and approach: The SCOR model provides a common language and a systematic approach for evaluating and improving supply chain operations. This can help organizations to better understand their supply chain and identify areas for improvement.

Comparative analysis: The SCOR model allows organizations to compare their supply chain performance to industry benchmarks and best practices. This can help organizations to identify opportunities for improvement and to adopt proven practices that have been successful in other organizations.

Improved performance: By using the SCOR model to analyze and improve their supply chain operations, organizations can often achieve significant efficiency, effectiveness, and cost savings.

Enhanced communication: The SCOR model provides a common framework that can be used to communicate supply chain concepts and strategies across different parts of an organization, as well as with external partners and stakeholders.

Increased competitiveness: By improving their supply chain operations, organizations can often become more competitive in their markets, and better meet their customers' needs.

Disadvantages of the SCOR Model

While the SCOR model has many advantages, it also has some limitations or disadvantages:

Complexity: The SCOR model is a comprehensive framework that includes many different processes and activities. This can make it complex to use and require significant time and resources to implement.

One-size-fits-all approach: The SCOR model is designed to apply to a wide range of industries and organizations. However, this can also make it less tailored to the specific needs of individual organizations and may not always provide the most relevant recommendations for improvement.

Lack of flexibility: The SCOR model is based on a structured, linear approach to supply chain management. This can make adapting to changing circumstances or unexpected events difficult and may not always be the best approach for organizations with highly dynamic or complex supply chains.

Limited scope: The SCOR model primarily focuses on traditional supply chain activities, such as procurement, production, and logistics. It may not adequately address other important aspects of supply chain management, such as sustainability or social responsibility.

Dependence on data: The SCOR model relies on accurate and complete data to be effective. If data quality is poor or data is unavailable, the SCOR model may not provide reliable insights or recommendations for improvement.


In conclusion, the SCOR model is a valuable tool for understanding and improving supply chain operations. It provides a structured approach for evaluating and improving supply chain performance and helps organizations identify improvement opportunities and adopt best practices.

About the Author:

Rahul Guhathakurta (ORCID: 0000-0002-6400-6423) is a strategic management consultant. A primary investor in IndraStra Global — a US-based publishing company.

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