China, Singapore Expand Investor Access: Concurrent Listing of Two ETFs in Singapore and Shenzhen

China, Singapore Expand Investor Access: Concurrent Listing of Two ETFs in Singapore and Shenzhen

According to a press release issued by the Singapore Exchange (SGX) on Friday, the two exchange-traded funds (ETFs) - The CSOP CSI STAR and ChiNext 50 Index ETF (managed by CSOP Asset Management) - that are a part of the exchange-traded fund (ETF) link between the Singapore Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) having combined assets under management value of more than S$270 million ($201 million) - concurrently listed in Singapore and Shenzhen, Guangdong province. 

Both ETFs give investors access to the innovative and high-growth potential companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) STAR Market and the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SZSE) ChiNext market. 

Earlier in September, the SZSE welcomed the listing of the China Southern CSOP CGS-CIMB FTSE Asia Pacific Low Carbon Index ETF. This event marked the first time an ETF listed on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) was made directly available in China. It also reflected the substantial domestic interest in Asia Pacific companies that operate in the low-carbon space. The concurrent listings represent the most recent initiative taken by both Asian nations to strengthen their financial cooperation.

Loh Boon Chye, chief executive officer of SGX Group, said: "With the listings today, SGX Group and Shenzhen Stock Exchange have welcomed three participating ETFs under our ETF link this year, deepening the financial collaboration between China and Singapore. This is an exciting chapter for both exchanges, given the rising prominence of ETFs in investors' strategies and the growing demand for portfolio diversification into broader geographies and sectors. We look forward to continuing our work with SZSE and issuers to enhance market connectivity and create a vibrant ETF ecosystem between the two countries."

Leong Sing Chiong, deputy managing director for markets and development of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, said, "The ETF Product Link builds on China and Singapore's strong cooperation in RMB internationalization and the growing presence of our financial institutions in each other's markets. We look forward to new partnerships and growth opportunities for our financial institutions as we broaden financial cooperation in the capital markets and emerging areas such as green finance."

Ding Chen, chief executive officer of CSOP Asset Management, said, "The ETF cross-listing will greatly enrich the cross-border product offering and investment channels and meet the growing needs of Singapore and Chinese investors seeking more diversified investment solutions."

Yang Xiaosong, general manager of China Southern Asset Management, said, "With China's unwavering commitment to further opening up its financial markets, the SZSE and SGX ETF link represents a key development in the internationalization process and an important measure to build a modern capital market with Chinese characteristics."

The total assets under management (AUM) of ETFs listed on the SGX currently sit at S$11.1 billion, with a net positive inflow of S$125 million during the same period.

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